

Coach L1/ USA Weightlifting L1


About Coach

As a multi sport athlete in High School and a College Quarterback I have always been involved with sports and weightlifting and overall fitness. A stint as a competitive Professional Bowler from 1981 – 2000 taught me the level of focus, sacrifice, and discipline it takes to excel at something and become exceptional at it. I also love to compete. Fast forward 20 years later and exercise & healthy eating had taken a back seat to other things that dominated. Diagnosed with Lyme's Disease in 2016 and the following 18 months of barely being able to perform basic functions had become even more overweight, enduring almost constant joint pain, and not sure I would ever return to ‘normal’ again. By God's grace I was able to eliminate the presence and symptoms of the Lyme with a Holistic approach instead of harsh Antibiotics. In the summer of 2019 one of my daughters asked me to join her for the Summer at Collective ‘doing’ CrossFit. I was extremely skeptical and didn’t expect to be able to do any of the basic movements due to joint pain, stiffness, and obesity. Not only did the CrossFit methodology of scaling and the attentive and knowledgeable coaches get me on track for growth and success, within a year my joint pain had diminished by a ton and flexibility had increased as well. 5 years later I am enjoying the competitive nature of the sport and continuing to increase my overall knowledge of health, wellness, and fitness. Getting my L1 was the next logical step and I am super excited to share what I have learned with other athletes in the box as well as encourage those who show up for the first time and have no athletic or sports background but want to try something new that has the ability to influence improved discipline and wellbeing in many areas of their life.

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion

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